Do Teeth Cleanings Hurt at Your Dentist’s Office?

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — chardonsmile @ 1:02 am
woman getting her teeth cleaned

Six months can seem like a long time, but if you are scheduling a biannual dental checkup and cleaning regularly, you probably remember the experience at your dentist’s office well. If it’s been much longer than that, however, you may be rusty on recalling what it’s like. So, do teeth cleanings hurt at your dentist’s office? Fortunately, you can read on and find out from your dentist in Chardon on the matter, as well as ways to minimize any potential discomfort.

Why Could My Dental Cleaning End Up Being Uncomfortable?

Dental cleanings shouldn’t be painful, but there can be some factors to increase your sensitivity. For instance, if you have gum inflammation, tooth decay, or another symptom of a dental health problem, you may experience some discomfort during the cleaning process.

If you are feeling pain during your cleaning, this is something you should discuss with your dentist. This way, they will know what steps to take to help you feel more comfortable throughout your visit.

How Can I Reduce Sensitivity Before a Teeth Cleaning?

Here are suggestions you can address between your six-month cleanings:

  • Use an electric toothbrush: Electric toothbrushes help people to brush more gently because they do a lot of the work for you. If you tend to brush too hard, this could be a beneficial change.
  • Brush carefully: Many people use far too much pressure to brush their teeth. When you brush too hard, this can make your teeth more sensitive and damage them. Always use gentle, circular motions for the best-possible cleanings.
  • Consistent oral hygiene routine: Brush and floss after meals. The cleaner your mouth is, the easier your cleaning will be.
  • Sensitive toothpaste: Pick a toothpaste that is made for people with sensitive teeth. This helps to reduce discomfort, but it may take a few weeks for you to notice the difference.
  • Numb the area: If you are experiencing pain, ask the dental team if they can use a topical anesthetic. This helps to numb the area and give you a more comfortable experience.
  • Ibuprofen: Ask your dentist if they think you would benefit from taking an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen. It reduces the inflammatory reaction and helps to put a stop to discomfort.

When you have your teeth cleaned by your hygienist, it shouldn’t be painful. By following the steps listed above and sharing any concerns with your dentist in Chardon, your visits should be a breeze!

About the Practice

At Chardon Smile Center, we welcome patients of all ages who are interested in comfortable care that is well within your budget. We utilize advanced dental technology and are conveniently located with appointments available early in the morning or early in the evening. If it’s time for your dental cleaning and exam, you can count on our experienced dentists and our state-of-the-art technology to take great care of your smile. We’ll be gentle, but you can also ask questions about reducing dental sensitivity during your visit. Schedule an appointment on our website or by calling (440) 286-2474.

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