Do Teeth Cleanings Hurt at Your Dentist’s Office?

January 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — chardonsmile @ 1:02 am
woman getting her teeth cleaned

Six months can seem like a long time, but if you are scheduling a biannual dental checkup and cleaning regularly, you probably remember the experience at your dentist’s office well. If it’s been much longer than that, however, you may be rusty on recalling what it’s like. So, do teeth cleanings hurt at your dentist’s office? Fortunately, you can read on and find out from your dentist in Chardon on the matter, as well as ways to minimize any potential discomfort.


Steer Clear of These Items to Dodge a Dental Emergency

November 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — chardonsmile @ 8:31 pm
man chewing on a pen

A dental emergency usually catches people by surprise, but in retrospect maybe they were putting their teeth in harm’s way. There are items that definitely elevate your risk for teeth trouble just by putting them in your mouth.

Some might be surprising, while others are obvious. Keep reading to learn what items you can avoid to steer clear of a dental emergency in Chardon.


6 Dental Myths – Debunked!

October 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — chardonsmile @ 2:53 pm
man discussing dental myths in Chardon with dentist

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day to keep them in good shape. On average, that’s nearly 80 days spent brushing our teeth throughout our lives. With as much time as we spend caring for our pearly whites, there are certainly a lot of rumors regarding oral health in circulation. To help you celebrate fiction from fact, here are six dental myths in Chardon – busted!

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